Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Guido Daniele



生きてるみたいです。 biggrin

from Guido Daniele - bodypaint
via Bibi's box

Sunday, January 28, 2007


初々しいカップルです。 biggrin

from Rankin on Flickr - Photo Sharing!
via ponyXpress

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

生きた化石 「ラブカ」



私はなかなかの風貌だと思いますけど、Wikipedia によると、「以前より、地元の漁民の網にかかることがあったが、あまりの醜悪な容貌から縁起が悪いとそのまま船から捨てられていた」そうですが、別に容貌からではなく、その後に地震が起こったりしたからで、珍しい深海魚が海面に上がって来るのは東海地震の前触れとかじゃないですよね・・・ blue

Monday, January 22, 2007




何だか格好良いです。 mrgreen

Jans Muskee

意味不明ですけど、面白いです。 mrgreen

from Flatland Gallery - Jans Muskee
via Las insólitas aventuras del pez

Sunday, January 21, 2007


Ann Arbor District Library
The shelf sign reads:

Please do not touch. These books are out of circulation. Besides there may be someone living in them and it would be rude to disturb them.

from Urban Fairies. fairy doors, Locations-Ann Arbor District Library
via Cynical-C Blog

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

My green grass


from [AM]

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Japanese English learning book

Maritan Concentration Drill - 2nd Year
29.90€ (includes shipping)

Infamous Japanese English learning book. Released 2006/17/06, 63 pages.

ゆとり教育が問題に成っていますが、これは学校の教科書じゃないですよね・・・ mrgreen

via haha.nu



FAYETTE CO., Ga. -- A wild boar, weighing 1,100 pounds, was killed near Atlanta, Georgia. Residents said the so-called 'Hogzilla' had been tearing up their yards for years. A neighbor, who touts being an avid hunter, shot the pig in another neighbor's yard. The animal was then displayed hanging from a tree. In recent years, the animals have been spotted and killed in Georgia, but the Department of Natural Resources is trying to determine if the size of the most recent one breaks a state record.

ジョージア州のアトランタ近くで捕獲された野生の Hogzilla(ホグジラ)で、体重1100ポンド (498.952 キログラム)だそうです。 surprised

こんなのが野生で居て、急に現れたら、ビビリます。 mrgreen


私は小学生の頃はこの手の「虎とライオンが戦ったら、どっちが強い」みたいな話は大好きでした。 biggrin

今は「曙と DJ OZMA のボディ・スーツを着た清原が戦ったら、どっちが強い」かに興味が有ります、 mrgreen

Saturday, January 13, 2007

The Soviet Roadside Bus-stop

The Soviet Roadside Bus-stop
Departure from the common and boring , Next stop the wild and crazy

For the most part Soviet architecture and design is remembered for its heavy block buildings and functionally Spartan designs. Its overpowering desire for conformity left little room for individual creative freedom. A notable exceptions to this is in the transportation sector. One can admire this creativity in the Metro stations of cities like Moscow and Tashkent where the coldness and sterility of typical soviet urban architecture is abandoned and costs are not spared as creative freedom is unleashed. While many of us are aware of the elaborate splendor of the Moscow underground, it is easy to overlook the phenomenon of the common roadside bus stop as an example of soviet art and design letting loose and becoming a little weird and crazy.

ソビエトのバス停ですが、イメージが違っていて、アーティスチックで格好良いです。 biggrin

via I like

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Motorized Sofa

Movable Stone Bicycle(動く石の自転車)が有りましたが、走るソファだそうです。
キップを切られているみたいですが、スピード違反でしょうか? mrgreen

from Damn Cool Pics

Wednesday, January 10, 2007


Rosalie Monod de Froideville

Willem de Kooning Academie We all have these moments when we wish the world could just stop existing for a while. Whether it's to get away from a personal crisis or from universal threats, from time to time all we want to do is curl up and hide. Now, for these moments we have the perfect soultion: the HideAway.


心地よく、引きこもれると思います。 mrgreen

a chair made of cockleburs


使い易いかどうかは、知りませんが・・・ mrgreen

From peter wehinger

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Kissing a lion

CALI, Columbia -- Ana Julia Torres kisses Jupiter : WFTV.com

Ana Julia Torres kisses Jupiter, an African lion she rescued malnourished from a circus six years ago, at her Villa Lorena animal shelter, in Cali, Colombia.

Ana Julia Torres さんが6年前にサーカスで栄誉失調に成っていたのを助けた、アフリカ・ライオンの Jupiter にキスしている。

肩に手を回してキスしています。 Kiss
将来、頭を囓られたニュースに成らない様に祈っています。 mrgreen

Dangerous Tigger

Tigger Accused Of Attacking Teen At Disney-MGM Studios
January 8, 2007

ORLANDO, Fla. -- Walt Disney World officials have temporarily suspended a man who was in costume as the character "Tigger" after he allegedly hit a child, a Disney spokeswoman said Saturday.


左フックが決まっています。 boxing

In 2004 a Walt Disney World employee dressed as Tigger was accused of touching the breast of a 13-year-old girl while she posed with him for a photo. A jury found the man not guilty.


著作権侵害で訴えられるだけではなく、ディズニーは危険ですね。 mrgreen

Two-Wheel Cars

日本では車が売れなく成って来ているそうですが、そろそろ、これくらいの進化を遂げる必要が有るんじゃないでしょうか? mrgreen

via growabrain