Sunday, January 14, 2007


FAYETTE CO., Ga. -- A wild boar, weighing 1,100 pounds, was killed near Atlanta, Georgia. Residents said the so-called 'Hogzilla' had been tearing up their yards for years. A neighbor, who touts being an avid hunter, shot the pig in another neighbor's yard. The animal was then displayed hanging from a tree. In recent years, the animals have been spotted and killed in Georgia, but the Department of Natural Resources is trying to determine if the size of the most recent one breaks a state record.

ジョージア州のアトランタ近くで捕獲された野生の Hogzilla(ホグジラ)で、体重1100ポンド (498.952 キログラム)だそうです。 surprised

こんなのが野生で居て、急に現れたら、ビビリます。 mrgreen


私は小学生の頃はこの手の「虎とライオンが戦ったら、どっちが強い」みたいな話は大好きでした。 biggrin

今は「曙と DJ OZMA のボディ・スーツを着た清原が戦ったら、どっちが強い」かに興味が有ります、 mrgreen

1 comment:

Ole Blue The Heretic said...

Lots of pork chops and ribs on that hog.