Monday, July 31, 2006
Mother’s Hand
Zaky Infant Pillow – Simulates a Mother’s Hand
It's Like Leaving a Part of You with Your Baby
If you’ve ever wished for a 'hand' to leave behind so that your baby would feel as if you’ve never left the room, your prayers have been answered with the Zaky.
Posted by Shu at 7:15 AM 0 comments
Labels: Products
おお、凄い! Shu' Blog の土曜日(7/29)のページビューが3132、ユニーク・ビジター数が2350で、日曜日(7/30)のページビューが3251、ユニーク・ビジター数が2481もありました!!
Banana Hole 18+ での今までの記録がページビューで1139、ユニーク・ビジター数での記録が441だったので、ページビューで約3倍、ユニーク・ビジター数で約6倍です。
Shu's Blog に至っては、ページビューで500を超えた辺りが最高だったと思いますのでビックリです。
お礼という訳ではありませんが、「皆さんもECナビ人気ニュースのブックマークのアイコンをブログに付けてみませんか? 良いことが有るかもしれませんよ」
(感謝の意味も込めまして )
Posted by Shu at 12:10 AM 2 comments
Sunday, July 30, 2006
Hunger dictates who men fancy
BBC NEWS | Health | Hunger dictates who men fancy
How full a man's stomach is can dictate the type of woman he will fancy, UK research suggests.
A study of 61 male university students found those who were hungry were attracted to heavier women than those who were satiated.61人の男子大学生を調査した結果、空腹な人はそうでない人に比べて、より体重の重い女性に惹かれるという結果に成った。The hungry men also paid much less attention to a woman's body shape and regarded less curvy figures as more attractive.
The study appears in The British Journal of Psychology.
また、空腹な人は形(何て言うんでしょう? くびれの有無? )も気にしないという事で、これらは The British Journal of Psychology に発表された。
Food lust
Dr Viren Swami と Dr Martin Tovée は生物学的な要素もあると信じている。
Physical drives
Dr Tovée は「認知や興味は血糖値やホルモンのレベルの生理的な事により、それらは空腹による」と説明する。
何となく長くなってしまいましたし、BBCの方ではもう少し続くんですが、「広告などを含めて、何を見るかに影響される」という辺りは、私もそうじゃないかな? という気がします。
Posted by Shu at 8:09 PM 0 comments
Labels: interesting, 所感
Ascii art
From Digital Artists Online Community -
Via advertising for peanuts: Digital Artist
Posted by Shu at 8:20 AM 0 comments
Labels: Art
以前の記事で、日本で行われたカンファレンスで DELL のラップトップコンピュータが、突然、爆発炎上した事を紹介しましたが、DELL のパソコンとアップルの iBook の炎上が報告されています。
-Dude, your Dell just freaking blew up!!! As I sit here typing I'm reminded of what happened at roughly 4 p.m. Central Standard time at my office (about an hour ago); especially since my hands still smell like 'fire extinguisher'. While specifying instrumentation tag names on a flow drawing my attention is turned towards the haze building up on the other side of the engineering area. I started hearing some distant prattle about “fire”, “hmmm... what could this possibly be?” I think to myself. Upon further investigation I've come to the conclusion that someone's Dell laptop just freakin blew up and started a cozy little desktop fire!!!
iBook battery catches fire
We hear about the occasional battery recall, and there are always the complaints that computers are getting too hot, but things went to a whole new level for a family in Minnesota. As WCCO in the Twin Cities reports, an 11 year-old boy set a running iBook down on the carpet and left the room. His mother states that they heard a popping noise, saw that the iBook had started melting the carpet and the room was filling with smoke. They quickly carried the iBook outside and remembered to bring their camera along for the show as the iBook, you can see, literally caught fire (WCCO has a video and more images).
Via Boing Boing
Posted by Shu at 12:10 AM 0 comments
Saturday, July 29, 2006
Level 1 Human
経験値(Exp) が0でレベル1なので、これから経験値を上げて行かなくてはいけませんね。私の域にまで達する為には、まだまだ多くのイベントをクリアする必要があります。
でも、カリスマ(Chr) は高いようなので、将来性は有りそうです。
Posted by Shu at 12:24 PM 0 comments
Labels: Humour
A mobile and wireless phone
Jan Chipchase - Future Perfect: Mobility Is Relative II
A mobile and wireless phone kiosk in Kamapala draws its power from a car battery (in the red box, photo below). Despite its bicyclesque design they were not particularly mobile - one or more tyres were often flat and they remained tethered in one place for the duration of the day.
Posted by Shu at 12:35 AM 0 comments
Labels: interesting
Friday, July 28, 2006
Unscheduled stop prevents train hitting drunk | the Daily Mail
In an extremely lucky twist, the express train was slowing down to make an unscheduled stop at Olton and the driver was able to stop just in time - 20 yards from where the man was lying.急行列車は普段は通過するはずの駅に停車する為にスピードを落としていたので、20ヤード手前で停車する事が出来たが、そうでなかったら、停車する事は不可能だったそうです。
Posted by Shu at 12:15 AM 0 comments
Labels: News